Lazy people that decided not to vote...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. Harambe got 11,000 votes though
  2. Weed is soooo not a natural stress reliever. Controlling your emotions is a natural stress reliever. Through horrible jobs, horrible family, a mom with seizures, homlessness, school grades,college, and very Hong else in between, I've never been stressed.

    And you can too! Once you top relying on a drug like the pathetic crutch it is.
  3. Congratulations, but I don't do drugs man because of my career. Lol. I just hope the legalization of it will patch some of our economic pitfalls. I hope others will learn from the life story you've told here and try out your alternative method of relieving stress. Just so you're aware though... My source of stress relief has always been music, writing, creating, traveling, and witty humor, and I'm pretty sure everyone here already knows that. ;). If not they can always search forums and find a ton of proof.
  5. Meh just let them not vote and then watch them complain moan and gripe and then laugh at them because they didn't give their input and decided to ignore their civic duty