Last Song You Listened To?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DrKevorkian, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. Royals-puddles the sad clown
  2. Hush Hush by the spice girls
  3. Sweet child of mine by Guns and Roses
  4. Brohym - Pennywise
  5. Swear to you - hoodstar
  6. 2 on- Tinaché or however you spell it
  7. ? Kate Cafe isn't even a real club

    ._. Y u photoshop ata?
  8. Wrong thread loluwptm8?
  9. Some song in science.......

    About volcanos

    It a parody of that song that goes

    Whoo oh oh oh oh light em up
  11. Dirty glass-dropkick murphys
  12. Xxyyxx-about you
  13. Final Masquerade- Linkin Park
  14. Heroes- Alesso
  15. Kids - Hendersin
    Someone got me hooked on this song 
  16. Secrets by Mary Lambert
  17. Chop Suey~SOAD(System of a Down)
  18. the last song I listened to was dysfunctional by Tech.. But I'm currently listening to payback by Attila so whichever one counts..