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Discussion in 'Wars' started by lovelymaya, Aug 7, 2018.

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  1. No point saying bye when you’re in pm ty
  2. ^ Are these lies?
  3. Nope, you wish it was
  4. Y'all he stank.
  5. Must be smelling yourself
  6. ... Y'all smell that shït?
  7. This game is toxic af
  8. If this so called Jake is Jake from State Farm. Then I must reach out to Flo or Justin Case. I demand so much more from my agent
  9. I don't know who is jake
    But let me know cause may i help u
  10. If you don’t know who Jake is, why even bother replying?
  11. He tried to add my big alt before but I blocked him. I don't add males like that to begin with, but you females seem to categorize every male as a pervert. So what, he farmed a bunch of hoes for nu.des. NOBODY put a gun to y'all head and said y'all had to do it or else. You should've went inactive or told him to off. Quick playing the victim when you had the option to not do it. That's fu.cking childish. I have a strong feeling y'all have trash ass nu.des anyways.

    From what I know, the only wrong thing he did was get off on a picture of someone he printed out and sent them. ATA probably hasn't banned him because it's not reasonable solid evidence. It's like going to a judge saying, "he told me to open wide and I didnt want to do it, but i still did it."

    And anybody supporting idiots who willing sent explicit pictures and videos of their body as a cf is also an idiot. You people had a choice. When I'm farmed I don't drop stats and I don't give up items... but y'all gave up nu.des with the quickness? How pathetic.
  12. rip to the person who posted this
  13. Oh damn, Papi got a huge point! Not all men are bad or gross perverts that's just wrong to call them all that and farming for n.udes? Are you kidding me? Did he run out of them on google? Hahaha if he wants them so bad there's a little-not-so-little website hub for your 18+ needs direct him there or snatch one off of google and send that then block him no need to actually send a real one
  14. I guess we love victim blaming huh
  15. They'd literally laugh at you in a courtroom for this. How old are you? If you're an adult acting like this, then you are an idiot lol. There's girls out here taking forever to send their nu.des and you want to give yours out asap for free over somebody virtually attacking your "character?" Yo, tell Jake to direct all the dumb hoes my way so I can block them :lol: this man must be having a picnic.

    Mods be farming me for my rp nu.des... it tickles... sometimes
  16. EXACTLY!! She could've went to a p.orn site, and sent him nu.des from there. Or she could've sent him a bunch of p.orn site links.

    Or those dumb hoes could've sent me nu.des instead... if they wear bags over their heads

    I'm joking, I only want that rent a cop mod booty...
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