Last one to post wins  Bobo

Discussion in 'Activities' started by MariGiggity, Feb 2, 2012.

  1. I won. Anyone who posts after me picks their nose and smells like rotten meat. They are also fools. Abd they are also agreeing to serve me forever no matter what they say or no matter what happens. Everyone who posts below also agrees that Percyous is the most awsomest dude Eva! No take backs! Boom Either way i win.
  2. I post but I will do none of those things or anything that the post above me says
  3. No take backs. (Btw, I don't count since IM the one who put the curse down I'm immune)
  4. I'm immune to all threats and curses cuz imma angel 
  5. You agreed on your first word. You can't take it back on your srcond. It's too late. You knew the risk/consequence when you posted.
  6. Actually, on my first post I denied ur post.... So HA!
  7. You didn't on your first word so Ha!
  8. Wait... My second post doesn't count right???
  9. Nope. Only your first word. And it has t be an actual word. Just one. Not multiple ones jammed together. Also it has to make since. I win
  10. No you don't cuz I posted once before you posted that curse so technically my post after ur curse was my second post and u said so urself that my second post doesn't count BOOYAH!!!
  11. It only started to count after I posted the curse. Plus I'm not going by posts. I'm going by words PER POST. so every post is a new one.
  12. ... Immune that's what I am. To all curses. There I said it in my first word. I win losers
  13. Immune doesn't make since by itself. Boom
  14. Yes it does
  15. Nope. Get this


    Immune to what? Immune how?
  17. Immune. That makes sense. If you say, "I put a curse on you", and the other person says "immune", then they deny the curse. It's implied. Notice how I copied Tash and put immune as my first word.
  18. *Tarru

  19. That's tarru, not me  and WHO DARES TO BRING THIS BACK UP!? I stole the monkey long ago so posting on here is futile 