EVENT Lake My Day! ☀️☀️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, May 11, 2021.

  1. I knew there would be one person....
    Taohua and _Boo_ like this.
  2. "If you spend money, you get better ava"
  3. ATA I understand you're a business that aims to make money but damn guys, can you throw your community a bone? How about actually making the avis that we get free decent and appealing for once. Its already bad enough that the community doesn't have a say in whether they get a boy or girl avi after working so hard and spending countless hours on this app just to get the sh!tty avis.
  4. the female avi from the hunt box looks like me ❤
    Taohua, LanaDelRey and -Dr_Dolittle- like this.
  6. ☉☉☉
  7. Better than last hunt IMO because at least the LB avatar looks good, but to me that’s the only good avatar. 🙊 would love if they were all in bathing suits or something. 👏🏻 Love the dorm though, good job on that.
  8. t10 avi 😔😔😔😔😔😔 I'd be happier if the others were cute too but nope. Greedy.
  9. Everyone likes the girl "pink haired" avi but not the others smh I'd rather get avis with more realistic body shapes and features Idc I want them thicc avis 😍
    HaileySmiths and Alicia like this.
  10. The pink one is realistic too tho
  11. I like the blonde guy and the tattoo guy but... One is for box and the other probably is the lb avi 🥲
  12. I didnt say it wasn't 🙄
  13. Wish it was box tho
  14. Meh but atleast something are good I hope that beach guy ava is not from t10 or 100 lb otherwise then still no good Ava
  15. The club xc seems to only be for cat clubs. We did a cat party, got 1724 drops. Need 60k for first level. I’m not feeling like this is a realistic daily goal for a POTD club.
  16. Cuteee ♡
  17. Look at that sexy ass leaderboard avi
  18. I think the point is being missed. It’s not about the avi’s and whether they’re realistic or not, it’s about how ATA can’t even seem to throw us a bone. I remember back when every avi was great not just leader board; now it seems like they’re being picky and just mainly making the good stuff for the LB. what about the people who can’t get on leader board ? People fail to realize not many people are going to spend tons of money just to get ONE specific avi. It should be fair , this isn’t .
  19. Finally someone who get the point👏🏻