EVENT Lake My Day! ☀️☀️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, May 11, 2021.

  1. Ok I’m feeling this one... I especially love the thick avis
    x_FluorescentEllis_x likes this.
  3. Please tell me the tattoo avi isn’t gonna be on the leaderboard...
  4. 🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮
  5. Its okay, not the worst but not the best.
    Still waiting on that updated dino hunt😚🦖
    Taohua, Anori, _Boo_ and 5 others like this.
  6. Nothing super impressive, it's quite plain but the room decor is nice and clean.

    I looove the XC. Keep them coming!
    Anori, Eifa and SweetAsYonii like this.
  7. Not bad, could be better was hoping for more or something better for us may babies and for birthday week 🥲
    TBK_BMammaLuv and QueenOfSorrows like this.
  8. Yeah ik hope it isn’t!
  9. I love the furniture!
  10. Avis 😍😍😍
  11. Not the worst, just another Hunt I can play sparingly. 😌
  12. 🗿let’s see these 24hr flash clubs begin for xc lb
    Anori likes this.
  13. Dorm is alright. only Avis I like will be leaderboard, only good looking ones.
    Ginnabon, Taohua, _Boo_ and 1 other person like this.
  14. i like the new avis! feels nice to see more bodies represented :)
  15. Not so good I don't like very much😕 furnis are good tho and just the girl with long pink hair...
    I really don't understand what's club xc😅🚶‍♀️
    Looking for better avis ata...
    Stella-Luna likes this.
  16. Realistically Speaking All you gotta do is Hit Parties and Meet hunt Goals and you'll get some avatars. I mean they do give out time boxes and DN's every once in awhile. but I will agree with the sentiment they have taken the p2w aspect of this game a little to Far. I'd like to See the Return of Team based hunts. Sure we're getting Club based xc's this Hunt but not really what I'm thinking of.

    as for the topic of this Thread Not Really overall impressed with the hunt probably say the only two avis I even remotely sorta like are the Pink bikini tar and the white tatted Swim trunk guy. The furni is Nice as others have stated. Honestly I'm just hitting the parties to help my club and to Get the misc stats not really a hunt I'd go all out for.
    AthenaDreams, Vector, Anori and 5 others like this.