
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *roughhardcorefun (01), Mar 22, 2012.

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  1. Very useful info :p
  2. Hey roughhardcorefun, u should b more specific of what type of ladies... Including age
  3. And some of the younger people act extremely mature... Perhaps it's not their age, but their maturity?
  4. May someone explain me what college is please? Always wanted to know
  5. I'm 13. I'm not immature.

    Except when it comes to dinosaurs.

  6. 12. Who's the person who said the kids should get off this game again? Jealous of our youngness much? 
  7. 11 actually, double that 1
  8. Julie, or whatever your God damn name is, I'm 11 and I sure as hell do not soliciate women online.

    I'm not a sick, perverted old man, desperate enough to ask people to 'chat with him'.

    And the chicks aren't naïve, oblivious delusional hormonal teenagers, either.

    I have enough dignity to ask out people in real life. If he's really that desperate, Craigslist is a good option if online dating fails.
  9. Your really 11? (not judging here)
  10. Hey it's Claudia  lol
  11. Is it that much of a shock? 
  12. I'm 13 and I'm mature I just hate perverts. Sure they can start a relationship whatever, but when they beg for Perverted stuff, it annoys me.
  13. I'm 13 and I'm not a pervert. I can't really say I'm too mentally mature but...
    I'm not going around saying "ladies chat me" and "I'm feeling dirty ladies ;)"
     that's just discrimination.
  14. Most people here are 13. e.e

    *Forever alone... In Elementary school... Blending in with imbeciles...*
  15. Well, somish mostish on this thread, anyway.
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