La’s Goldfish Raffle

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seriously, Jan 28, 2019.

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  1. pleathe threenthot thith too
  2. threenthotted
  3. You really should have left it. No one said anything about the giveaway not being positive. It was said to leave them out of it for reasons you obviously don't understand or know about. It was also said to name the raffle differently and not do it "in memory of anyone". Wtf. I have also contacted OP to discuss this with her privately. Sometimes people want to be as far away from this game and more than likely... people on this game as possible. Imagine not knowing what you are talking about... and continuing to speak as if you do. I can guarantee that you did not know Lala or Chill... like really can guarantee you didn't.
  5. Also don’t think La or Chill would want you contributing to the mess either.
  6. Entered ?️
  7. LMAO why did I laugh so hard at this
  8. like really can guarantee i don't care/ need to know someone to comment on something posted to forums as long as its not against tou, which it isn't

    please note that orignal posters can't delete the thread after its been posted longer than 5 minutes

    and people who comment can't delete them either obviously (?)

    if they have such a problem with it, they can come back from inactivity, which no one ever stays inactive for long without coming back once or twice evidently, and speak on it, but the title of this thread and description cannot be changed, id imagine they would've told you this before looking uneducated about forum basics but i guess not
  9. You are incorrect. Mods can edit the thread after the five minute editing period has passed when contacted by OP. There have been times when the original post was replaced with just a single "." So you are wrong. Reeducate yourself please. Thanks.
  10. Imagine getting mad over the title of a gold fish raffle, y'all are so pathetic. lEt uS rEsT. Get over yourself. It's literally not a big deal y'all just blew it into something so extra and it's getting boring.
  11. Imagine getting mad over someone simply asking for it to be renamed something else?‍♀️
  12. What Purg has said:
    • OP can't delete the thread after it's been posted for 5 min.
    • Commenters can't delete the comment after 5 min.

    What Purg has not said:
    • That mods cannot do either after five minutes.

    So.. you can't really call her "wrong".
  13. Who said I was? I don't care what it's called. I'm saying y'all getting pressed about what it's called in the first place is utterly and completely pathetic.
  14. Ahem...

  15. It really was a simple request and clarification that the gesture was nice... but unwelcome. That is really all to it, but go off...
  16. Oh oops. That must be my vision.
  17. imagine believing you have so much entitlement as one person to have a mod change less than 5 words on a thread lmao
  18. It was really a simple request that y'all decided to turn into something more. For what? It's just a name.
  19. No one turned it into anything more than a request to not make any more "tribute or dedication threads" but miscellaneous persons that are not Lala, Chill or OP. Re-read everything prior to this if you need to.
  20. It's ok. I see well enough for the both of us.
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