Kylie Jenner hunt

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by bbg, Aug 2, 2016.

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  1. Did you just imply that everyone on PIMD has no social life? That would include you too tho amirite ? Anyways, this tea is too salty for my taste.
  2. Wth is this ?
  3. No way. So Support. Not ever.
  4. No support ┐(´д`)┌
  5. I'd rather kms.
  6. Me too
  7. I just thought about something, Mods are scared to post "Locking thread" cause they'all be easy link to farm LOL
  8. If they do just because of you then I'm farming you and making sure you don't get it -_-
  9. no support lmao
  11. No support :geek:
  12. How is following her on social media considered having a social life? That's more like not having one if you have all that time to follow some talentless people all day long.
  13. Please lock this pointless thread
  15. This gave me cancer
  16. Support
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