[KNOWN ISSUE] Campus Heroes Rewards

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 20, 2016.

  1. Missing avi. Thanks
  2. 8.5 hours later. still nothing. take your time. :)
  3. Good job I checked here or I'd be worried like some are
  4. great
  5. I was curious about this. Still waiting.
  6. No notifications but I got partial rewards. ?They really have some problems here...
  7. Well take your time no rush ATA
  8. Mistakes happen I don't know why everybody's so bent out of shape about it. since we're still going to get our rewards just not right away
  9. x4 promo ?
  10. What about those who already have some of the ava , are they not supposed to get any complementary rewards ?
  11. Still waiting for my rewards also . Hopefully it can be fixed soon 
  12. i vote a dn
  13. I'm just missing showcase items and 3 Avis, take your time I can wait?
  14. Still waiting for my prizes, hope this gets fixed soon.
  15. Waiting for my items, 2avas, tier badge,
  16. I only got Dns , Carepack , Ammo
  17. Where's my hunt reward?!
  18. Missing avi and items