Knock Knock

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *stay_classy--- (01), Oct 19, 2012.

  1. UPDATED!!

    My eyes were blurry. I tried to make out who it was as they inched towards me.

    "Is" i thought while he was only a few feet away. "He's WORK!!! That's where he's from."

    Kevin was know standing over me while I was sitting in the corner.

    "Play a a game" i kept repeating in my mind

    "So! How was your day Kevin?" i asked calmly.

    "Good. How is yours?" he said with a sarcastic tone.

    "Well I'm just doing fine! But i would like it if the air didn't have such a musky smell." i said in a happy tone.

    "Well, your stay here won't be much longer" he said .

    He raised his right hand and smacked my face"

    I rub my face in schock.

    "Well that wasn't very nice." i said while rubbing my bright red cheek.

    "Stay put! Or else!!" he said angrliy

    "Or else what? We get ice cream? You let us go?" i said standing up slowly. "We have a party?"

    Just then Angi burst threw the door with Andrew in a headlock and the gun pointed at Kevin.
  4. UPDATED!!
    Lexi's POV

    "Where is Kristen and Angi? It's been days!!" i said as i look out my window.

    I get up and start pacing the room. "Should I try calling her again Tristan?"

    "Sure do what you want." he said.

    "Maybe if you help save Kris..she might like you again." I said with some hope.

    "Nah I doubt it she has never liked me" he said sadly.

    I pick up my phone and slowly dial Kris's phone number. Voicemail.

    "Hey this is Kris! Leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can! Bye!" Her voice made me sad.

    "Eh..Hey Kris it is me Lexi. i know i have called you quite a few times..but I just need to make sure you are okay. You know cause James is back out. So call me as soon as you can. Bye."

    I went and put on a red shirt, black skinny jeans, and red and black vans. I slid my phone in my back pocket.

    "Uh..where you going Lexi?" asked Tristan.

    "I'm going to go find them."
  5. BUMP! Or the dolphin gets it! !!
  6. Bump! Or else the dolphin gets it! !
  7. Oops. Ignore that last one! I accidentally double posted it.
  9. OMG VANS!! And yes that character suits me!
  10. Yesh i chose vans just for you
  11. When is the next update? Me want to know!
  12. Sorry guys I have school
  13. UPDATED!!

    Back to Kris's POV

    Angi pulled out the gun and gave it to me and she pulled out a blade.

    "Aww what's wrong Kevin? Cat got your tounge?" i said laughing

    Angi backed up next to me. I was now pointing the gun at Kevin.

    I walked to Andrew. "Oh Andrew Andrew Andrew" i said while looking at Kevin.

    "You should have left when we said to" I glanced at him and he was crying.

    "Oh now don't cry. We won't hurt you...i mean as long as you cooperate." angi said.

    Kevin stood still as a board.

    I twirled the gun around my finger. "We all know you are going to die" i said with a smirk. "But let's have some fun! Shall we?" i said hopping onto the metal table.

    Just then James burst threw the door.


    First update was here!

    I backed up into the corner and had the gun pointed at Kevin but watched James.

    "Look who wanted to join the party!!" i said with a smile. "JAMES!! Oh the times we have had!"

    "You really gonna kill me!!" James yelled. "DO IT!!" he yelled.

    "Alright" i said flatly "Your words not mine." i said and pointed the gun at James.

    Boom. He was gone.

    I set the gun down and fixed my shirt. "Now!" i said patting me legs "Whose next?!" i said rocking happily back and forth.

    Kevin started inching toawrds me.

    "Ah ah ahhh" i said shaking my head "I would do that if I were you" i said while looking at James.

    He kept going.

    "I warned you." i said pointing the gun at Kevin's knees.

    I shot out his knees.

    "GAH!!!!" he screamed as he feel to the ground.

    "People just can't listen..."