Kitty Cat Bar

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kaido, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. ?
  2. Lmao you're right I do roleplay with my boyfriend, in real life in the Bedroom and over the phone. Caden and I have a great life not that it's any of your business. But thanks for acknowledging it!
  3. Someone gets triggered easily :roll:
  4. I wouldn't say triggered. I would say mature.

    Which is what forums is lacking.
  5. Naw I'd say I don't put up with peoples crap and am quick to call them out on it.
  6. I don't think it's our business to know what you and your man do in the bedroom or over the phone honestly.
  7. Prime example.

    Out of all things to reply to this one replies to the bedroom part. When it's clearly sarcasm cause she stated "RP"
  8. Tell that to Azzy he brought up the rp in an attempt to burn me when I'm proud of rp.
  9. So when's the wedding?
  10. proud of rp

    How many gold medals ya got from RP
  11. Can somebody direct me towards the adults in this thread? Ty
  12. Here's one ^
  13. ?they were acting like kids i wanted to join in the fun
  14. So she does rp?
  15. ^Nobody is acting mature here period

    If anyone was mature enough this thread had died long ago .

    If you really expect maturity in a game you're looking in the wrong place

    Specially in a game like pimd .
  16. Who doesn't rp. Everybody does. Rp is role play and you all play different roles. You play the role of a brother/sister to some, a son/daughter to some, a friend to some and the like.

    Deep, isn't it
  17. Lol that is annoying asf. It happened to me I angered some dude who said he'd sf me but he never really hit me he just kept getting kicked me out of clubs saying I was in sfw its a load of crap and noobs eat it up 
  18. SUPPORT?
  19. Why? So you're saying there's nobody who's mature play this game? I beg to differ. And what's so special about pimd? It's just another game like the thousands out there.