Kitty Cat Bar

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kaido, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. i can tell
  2. I wasu talking bout you sweetie but it's fine if you forget who i am I still remember all the crying you did back in om when you got farmed [/quote]

    Pics or it's faulse[/quote]
    It's not false* actually go ask custos or anyone in om they will tell you bout him I remember because i used to be good friends with him until he got butt hurt I didn't perm at the same club with him that he was already a perm at some other club with his pup so ofc i didn't perm with him I went my own way my bad[/quote]

    No one gives AF about spelling it's not English class and I'm not writing a paper. Also its not true cause you can't present proof, got better things to do then ask ppl if you made someone cry which isn't true.
  3. Hay now ? settle down babe

    Get it??

  4. ?
  5. I am calm doll, all I said was you deserved to be hit and you became an ass
  6. Pics or it's faulse[/quote]
    It's not false* actually go ask custos or anyone in om they will tell you bout him I remember because i used to be good friends with him until he got butt hurt I didn't perm at the same club with him that he was already a perm at some other club with his pup so ofc i didn't perm with him I went my own way my bad[/quote]

    No one gives AF about spelling it's not English class and I'm not writing a paper. Also its not true cause you can't present proof, got better things to do then ask ppl if you made someone cry which isn't true.[/quote]

  7. "Calm"

    Didn't quite suit
  8. You can't present proof of what happened babe. Go take your mule for a walk k
  9. And today in
    Total Divas?
  10. "Calm"

  11. Yes for the love of God Harley shun me 

    And kaido it's called screenshots, so that's the proof and don't call me babe
  12. You don't have any screenshots, babe
  13. Lmfao if you don't think I'm calm, Daisy(which am I)  
  14. ^ If you need to reassure everyone that you're calm , you are not calm
  15. ?look at you being smart ha
  16. She so calm?
  17. Lol okay crash you caught me, I'm not calm
  18. Don't talk to daddy that way?
  19. You're supposed to shun me soooo why aren't ya?
  20. Daddy will spank you ;)