Kitty Cat Bar

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kaido, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. XD candybar it is
  2. Oh yes the next letter is a U
  3. Cuboid ?
  4. Apparently you know what word I said..

    Why'd you wall Jinx with your alt saying I was in sfw with you? She told me you did it to get me kicked
  5. Can't Understand Normal Talking
  6. Cubu? ?
    Looks like I'm going to learn a new slang
  7. Shh u cubu
  8. LOL

  9. Well fluffy boy, ur whole club is in sfw with my friends, because ur owner kicks prior to due date, anyways, with saying that how does it feel when ur kick prior to ur due date? Also u kinda deserved it js, now shut up and get in my nf
  10. Well first of all it's not my club
    Secondly, it's such a coincidence that one of their members which you can see in the pictures I posted, spammed your alt to hide your main and at the same time, you said that I was in sfw with you even though I had never seen you before

    Keep being dumb princess, cause I don't think it's an act anymore
  11. No, hes getting farmed because he was being disrespectful to members calling them the C word. They hired his tuts and when I told him they're wasting money on his tuts and he's gaining money, he could get more and not to worry about it, he started being more rude, calling everyone else names. I had half of club telling him to either calm down or get lost. The alt on my wall is NOT Jasmine, he's an alt of one of the biggest farmers in the game who doesn't allow people to cf easily. He disrespected some of the wrong people, I even gave Kaido the guys name. Get outta here with your 2nd grade drama. You are disrespectful as crap, start telling the truth about how you got an entire club on you in the matter of minutes. 
  13. I came into u calling the members names and seen u asked to stop many times and the crying over tuts saying if u hired Tut's u couldn't hit party and no this isn't an alt of Drew's unless he had a sex change 
  14. Just accentuate your hits.
  16. Your whole club shouldn't be here and needs to disbanded ASAP.

    Your owner _Jinx_ accepted a CF agreement and disbanded her last cat club. Part of the CF conditions were she was never to own another club especially a cat club for extorting players of their cats and booting them prior to their end date. This agreement has been broken.

    For this reason PIMD will be closing your club down again _jinx_. Please enjoy your final days at the club. PIMD and people in general don't like players who use and exploit other people for their cats. Anyone wishing to join your club should know they do so at their own risk.

    Anyone wishing to close these clowns down with me please feel free to hit their roster. It is clubs like this that gives decent cat clubs bad names and your days of exploiting others are now officially over.

    Have a nice day Kitty Cat Bar 
  17. The C word being Chicken?

    Y'all chickens.