Kingdom story thingy pt 2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. I wanna be in one! I'm the purple king!
  2. Jopo 

    If I made them super long, nobody would read them. Lol
  3. No way you win, Justin.. I brought my poison 
  4. True... But the suspense..... 

    I get into the reading and you stop halfway in 
  5. It's what you call a cliff hanger, Jopo.  That's the best way to keep people in suspense. 
  6. There was this story in the newspaper in elementary school.. About a Minotaur. I remember every little 'episode' was so suspenseful and I absolutely hated waiting a week for the next one.

    That's how I feel now.
  7. Keep goinggggg.
    I dont like suspense.
    I need to know what happens next.
  8. Sorry Jopo.  I have to wait until tomorrow so I can make the next one.

    I like your tank by the way. 
  10. Poison. 
  11. Come back resizing button 
  12. Justin, get the tank 
  13. I think we gotta make 12 hrs 1v1 war to see who's gonna win in the next chapter Justin 
  14. I wanna be in that CC
  15. And throughout this, I'm still guarded by Mr. X

  16.  Bring it. 
  17. I'll save you dawn  if psycho stops whining 