King 'n' Queen of November 2014

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Awe I have to wait for July
  2. I'll apply...
    Name: c_h_a_r_l_o_t_t_e
    Birthday: November 29, 1998
  3. ? Kaname, you skipped October, after I waited and waited :cry: I won't take queen, but you could make me "Unofficial Lady of October" 
  4. Im bored and my birthday is in November so sure why not apply Lol

    Nov 9th
  5. I nominate CL___B-ez__alwayscreeping___
  6. I will ask you to tell them to nominate themselves.
  7. Sick what year?
  8. I nominate Meg 
  9. U skipped my month of August
  10. About August, I would like to apologie, I've started the game on August then when my semester started, I didn't had the time for it.

  11. Lol I'll Try to Convince her
  12. You have till thuesday morning to apply!
  13. •.• I have to wait till March 3rd
  14. What's thuesday? Thursday or Tuesday?
  15. Tomorrow? Meh english isn't my first language so I still get confused between thuesday or thursday. Tomorrow morning is the last day!
  16. ____iNeoPoopRainbows____
    November 4th,
  17. it's Tuesday already here! Since I posted!