King and Queen of January 2016 [VOTING]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Royale_Kaname_Will_Never_Die, Jan 26, 2016.

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  1. I thought you did the signing up for December only or I'd signed up for January :| . Who knows what would happen next year? -_- .
    Anyway, I vote for Kakashi and Broncoo.

    Edit: since broncoo was disqualified, I vote for Everybody, :lol:.
  2. Oh I just realize that the king is that kakashi guy... well then I officially withdraw... doesn't want to be the queen of a stupid king lmao.... anyways broncoo not even a real girl... just a ugly fat pig with alots of acne.
  3. ? And pls describe yourself to us.
  4. Humble
  5. Hahahahahaha calling other ppl fat pig & describes herself as humble ????
  6. Kakashi got king?

    Ha that's stupid 

    Edit: I was 2014's king.
  7. Oh and I pick my pupil Ovaries ??
  8. What's happening ?
    There's 2 threads
  9. I vote for MLady Samantha ?
  10. Voting for Everybody
  11. LMFAOOOOOOO "humble" omg I'm cracking up so hard rn
  12. LOL K be mine plz :)
  13. This thread should be dead... ATA keeps adding new mods that aren't even active...
  14. Well forums isn't their go to anymore :(
  15. Girl bye
  16. Support
  17. Since I can't pick my 1st choice (Broncoo) then my vote goes to Takane for Queen!! ;)
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