Killer of night

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sherlockmysterydetective, May 20, 2019.

  1. I thought the organization was bad?
  2. let’s hear it
  3. So basically...the Zodiac Killer?
  4. ?
  5. Yes it is im investigating it thats why
  6. Not rn i have an idea for a new mystery story
  7. You have many new stories but not many or even any completed ones you should work for ata creating hunt themes
  8. Oof
  9. I have one mystery story done but i have many more done to when i was a kid i love to write but its not about mystery.
  10. If you want to make a story, please know how to properly write one tbh.
  12. I know how i been writing sice i was 15
  13. I'm helping in his investigations. I want to be a great detective one day.
  14. I would help u with that
  15. Oh of course legendary writing man. You know exactly how to write a story, but allow me to make some tweaks and maybe a critique.
    This story has points that left me confused because it was lacking filler information. The description of the crime scene was horrid. Jumbled texts doesn’t really add to a good reading experience. The wording and grammar is bad. Spelling mistakes were common and overall, it was just boring.
  16. I have trouble with reading and spelling and i am in a special needs class i can't help it.
  17. Bruh.. do you. I love your stories.
  18. Don’t pull the special needs card. You’ll get no sympathy from me.
  19. Im not putting its true