keyboard warriors

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TERR0R-BadBoy, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. love that gif
  2. lmfao the vet pic ????
  3.  I was threatened with the mafia by a butthurt girl. But alas... I try to always keep butthurt strong on my wall  you were my best tut to get me wall tears. 
  4. bravo!!!!

    The vet is also my favorite. Yay for wall drama!
  5. Ikr I always got u in trouble?
  6.  I loved it. So many sad sad ppl on pimd 
  7. oh well, their excuse is simple..' My keyboards work better than the battle button cos we always failed or dtw'
  8. Omg April  too damn funny  love it 
  9. so true twinny they're #cowsforlyfe
  10. thank u bama 
  11. Lmao!!
  12. Why drop stat? Open farm please. Haish
  13. 
  14. April last time you used the pic the guy actually dropped stats. 

    However punchy, did you know if you tell someone to kill themselves and they actually do, you can go to jail? Saying stuff like that isn't cool. I get that pimd has a lot of Emo ass fakers who fake cancer/cutting/etc just for attention but the ones who actually do hurt themselves don't need to be mocked, they need help.
  15. ?omg I forgot he did drop stats ?
  16. Omg this is so awesome !!!!!! I love it bravo bravo !!! Made my day 
  17. April: Making people drop stats since [insert whatever year you started this game]