Key Donating

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fume, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. Just being realistic and stating facts 
  2. Plus you don't "need" the keys, you "want" them.
  3. Thread killed in one sentence  go you! 
  4. Tell me about it 
  5. Key please
  6. I already did  you should lock this thread fume. Oh...nvm.
  7. Fume I totally agree with you. These hunts have become ridiculous and ata could give a rats behind to what we think. Personally Ive become bored with these hunts and even the gifts have become repetitively ridiculous. With the creation of the spinner and all the other additional crap ata has come to the stance that "hey since we have given them so much virtual cash lets make gift prices outrageous and make it to where they have to buy cats and kinis." Anyways back to the original topic.

    Fume I want you to find some well deserving players that actually should be gifted a key. From now until the end of the hunt I will save my keys and distribute them amongst those ppl you have chosen.

    Feel free to post on my wall or follow. Great thread and kudos to ata for literally destroying the entire game of pimd.
  8. Damn, you guys always trying to bash ATA. Yet your ass is still here spending mommy's money and playing the game.

    Your "threats" to quit give me another crack in my ass. Its pointless but so entertaining; ya feel me!

    Please go outside and play. Maybe your mom can hide some easter eggs for ya and you can start your own hunt. Good luck on getting the rare egg, that's been there for 5 Easters, that smells like a hippos ass.

    Ok, now send me your keys for my wonderful advice.

    Have a great day ?
  9. For one Im not a kid. Secondly my mother is dead. Thirdly I havent spent one dime of my money on this game because ata doesnt deserve our cash. They deserve a swift kick in the behind and to be forced to take a class on business ethics and humanitarianism. Then maybe they would care what we think.
  10. Oh and I never said I was quitting. I said Im bored with this game especially now since kids are running it.
  11. Im a kid and i find this racist and offensive
  12. If I had it my way no kid would be allowed to play this game. It would be strictly 18+ and its not racist at all. Youre referring to discrimination and hell yes Im gonna discriminate against kids playing this. Its a college level game not junior high. Be lucky that youre allowed to play this cuz ata is nothing but a bunch of self absorbed, intelligent lacking, uncreative idiots who need a reality check.
  13. I tried giving keys to one who reallydo effort on it. like the one i saw on campus trying to sell his itemsbut then it didn't went well because as soon as I gave 5 keys to him I got 4 follows and 10 comments on wall noobs asking too for it. So to make it fair i do give them 1 by 1

    So i lost 14 key for that. Knowing
    I have help them. But at the end of the day 3 noobs came back to me and asking for more.

    So the point is, If you try helping, some people are still being greedy who wants more
  14. I've never spent a single penny on this game