Kefo's Guide to RP

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kefo, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. This guide doesn't help me, smh. Forever a nub at arpee. ?
  2. Rp started in chatrooms. Like back when dial up AOL was a thing. Yeah I aged myself what of it.
    Kefo likes this.
  3. Oh dang this looks legit. Lemme bump and skim later
  4. support
    Kefo likes this.
  5. Oooo Lovley Job sugar!? Love the effort you put into if! Was wondering if someone was gonna actually make a guide on rp or not lol
  6. lol you’re like, five months off 
  7. Lol shh I knooowww
  8. ?papa bless
  9. bumped up the thread for a nublet
  10. This is perfection
  11. Thanks babe
  12. I think i'm ready *is ready*
  13. You're just salty that this is better than any thread you've made ?
  14. Oh, I thought I will never know how RP works. Thanks for the knowledge and enlightenment Kefo :D