Its looks exactly like the bashful owl. Only difference is the time travel owl is 1k total stat boost
OLD MAX NOT POTD POTD REGULAR PARTIES [*] [*]ARLTB [*]Fake Art [*]Dumpster[*]Counter [*]RKS [*]BPS [*]FWP [*]No Hands [*]BAD [*]BroStep [*]Factory [*]Waitlisted [*]Afternoon [*]Cabana [*]Arcade [*]Hype [*]Just Dance [*]BiJ [*]Primer [*]Frisbee [*]Diy [*]Jpop [*]Limo Lux- 126 max Cakes [*]PPA- 250 Max Cakes/Key (rare) [*]Cat Cafe- 500 max/Time Travel Owl (Super Rare) PRO PARTIES [*] [*]Anime PRO [*]Hype PRO [*]Jpop Pro- 245 Max Cakes NEEDS CHECKED BEING CHECKED Art Starz Fits Skyhigh Draw Manga Noodle Cosplay Anime Counter PRO Dumpster Pro BPS PRO FWP PRO FA101 PRO DIY PRO Afternoon PRO Cabana PRO JD PRO Limo PRO Manga PRO Noodle PRO Cosplay PRO BiJ PRO 36 mins before next POTD hunt
Sign ups for new POTD check, limo and Jpop Pro will still drop max for 25 mins. Should you finish after 3p EDT 12p PDT please report new max drops for Limo and Jpop PRO OLD MAX NOT POTD POTD REGULAR PARTIES [*]Limo Lux- 126 max Cakes [*] [*] [*]PPA- 250 Max Cakes/Key (rare) [*]Cat Cafe- 500 max/Time Travel Owl (Super Rare) PRO PARTIES [*]Jpop Pro- 245 Max Cakes [*] [*] NEEDS CHECKED BEING CHECKED ARLTB Fake Art Dumpster Counter-Integrity RKS BPS FWP No Hands BAD BroStep Factory Waitlisted Afternoon Cabana Arcade Hype Just Dance BiJ Primer Frisbee Diy Jpop Art Starz Fits Skyhigh Draw Manga Noodle Cosplay: Together-Restless Anime Counter PRO Dumpster Pro BPS PRO FWP PRO FA101 PRO DIY PRO Afternoon PRO Cabana PRO JD PRO Limo PRO Manga PRO Noodle PRO Cosplay PRO BiJ PRO Anime PRO Hype PRO