
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Mike-LovesAhli, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. I got married at 16 
  2.  message me later then 
  3.  Are you serious??
  4. Okay  Bye!
  5. It was one of those do-or-never-do things.
    If I didn't marry him then, I'd never marry him .-.
    Well, it has lasted two years ans counting.

    If he's hot, rich, an loves you, go for it girl
  6.  wow lol
  7. Don't hate, he's the love of my life.
    The fact that he's sexy as beep helps.
  8. Aww that's cute! Lol I wish you two the best! 
  9. Lol, yeah.
    We already have the best B)
    Trust me, he's richer than your mom combined with half of Oprah
  10. Ohh lol Hello again Pey
  11. Akward moment when someone come s in

    We were talking about my sexy husband and how rich he is and how much we love eachother and how great the sex is
  12. and how he might be cheating on me, and if he is how I will rip off his
  13. Woah

    Hi again Kat 
  14. First you need to find out if he is.. If you wanna leave him get a lawyer and take all this money 

    How you been pey??
  15. Kone your in war quit flirting
  16.  No don't stop flirting! 
  17. Kone is to old for you!! He's 45
  18. Noooo! He's 15! The Perfect age