Justin bieber

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *xxjh127xx (01), Jul 7, 2012.

  1. 1D > JB

    But, go listen to real music...


    The Beatles is a good place to start.
  2. Listening to Bieber is one of the worst forms of torture I can think of ,almost as equally as painful as going to Hell
  3. Justin Bieber. 

    Everything you say, Gonzo, is invalid.
  4. Herobrine, send me a pm to that guy's music and I will check it out
  5. The Beatles are cool, I listen to a very wide variety of music which exclusively excludes Bieber
  6. Actually, look at page 2. He breaks the law, stupidly  it was all over the news.
  7. He broke 2 laws Gonzo! Remember !?
  8. Ohhh yes, I am just not aware of the time you mentioned.
  9. I've never heard of a single person that has never broken the law. 

    Jaywalking, bro. It's not cool.
  10. Jaywalking? Never done it.

    Justin was being stupid, could have killed someone  he should be in jail. I don't care if you are being chased by reporters and such, 80 or higher miles per hour in a public zone! He could have
    1) not driven a flashy expensive car ( stupid on his part, gave him away)
    2) Also he could have probably called authorities for being pursued  I am sure instances such as that could have been handled better.
  11. everybody know that the kid straight hustlin
    30 on my shhhh cuz i look like justin
    bieber on my wrist and them girls straight love it
    girls drop it low cuz you know we want something
    everybody know justin bieber is my cousin
    straight westside young based god it’s nothing
    55 bieber swag off the meter
    50 on my shhh cuz i look like bieber
  12. A day in the life of Gonzo:

  13. If you want to use a picture to show my life, show a college or some form of higher education.
  14. I have Bieber Fever
    I need a doctor to kill me with a cleaver
    Before I turn to a zombie who has ill lust for queers
    Oops did I go to far for your ears
    Well it's the truth, thx to Justin Bieber I'm left with a broken heart here
  15. When he first came out, I honestly thought the radio was playing songs by Chris Brown that he had produced at the beginning of his career and had failed to release. Blah.

    Now, JB still sounds a hella lot like CB. So no. Can't have two.
  16. My voice was manlier than Justin bieber's voice... when I was 1 day old.
  18. I HATE the way the music industry is going I listen to music that's supposedly "before my time" like the Beatles and a heck of a lot of Jazz music