Justice for Soggy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ciara, Mar 18, 2019.

  1. It's amateur hour 24/7 in my life.
  2. TaKeS oNe To KnOw OnE
  3.  I don’t know what yall got going on but it’s hilarious asf keep it up
  4. Why has the drama stopped? Yall suck
  5. Forumers are weird. ?
  6. Sweet, thanks
  7. It's hardly drama in the girst place
  8. Big yawn
  9. #justiceforsoggy
  10. #justiceforsoggy
  11. Best one yet :lol:
  12. Am I the only one wondering who the hell soggy is?
  17. Our Lord & Savior
    I'm not even religious but Soggy cured my explosive diaherra
  18. Rt
  19. Show us what REAL drama is kefo