Just in Case Y'all Forgot

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, May 20, 2019.

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  1. Memes?
  2. No plz don’t 
  4. What was it called?
  5. Don’t worry they’re Canada related
  6. the shows called Lucifer. great detective show about Canada
  7. I do not remember, I’ll have to look
  8. Omg mini has started ?
  9. No not that one, had nothing to do with detectives
  10. More Canada memes mini!!
  11. Omg hulk you’re dumb
  12. degrassi?
  13. I search Canadian Mafia Tv Shows and Bad Blood Came up. Description says “the rise and fall of the real-life Rizzuto crime family, a Montreal-based mafia organization”
  14. Yeah I think it’s that one, does it say anything about an Irish guy?
  15. wow what a loser, actually searching it up
  16. Now I post angry Canadian meme cuz hulk made me angry ?

  17. Um I did cuz I was interested u bozo.
  18. wow canadians r pretty racist towards yellow ppl like me
  19. I’m not Canadian if that’s what you are referring to ☹️
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