Just in Case Y'all Forgot

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, May 20, 2019.

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  1. Wednesday, you can make me your slave any time you want. :)
  2. I laughed for a hot minute.
  3. damn if you laughed at that, you have a shítty sense of humor ?
  4. I mean same thing can happen with the peeps you meet irl.???‍♀️
  5. yes i too get caged like a dog when i meet my friends
  6. Wow so we will never hang out ig 
  7. I guess I’m never going to Canada to see Wednesday
  8. fùck canada and their polite people
  9. They’re actually not that nice from what I’ve seen (not saying your bad peeps Rose & Wednesday)
  10. You can kidnap me any day.
  11. I want to meet your friends
  12. No one is nicer than Canadians
  13. Um actually I was suggesting u were the kidnapper cuz u look like that type 
  14. I WHA- no.
  15. This better not lead to some weird roleplay.
  16. Says the person who likes getting hit with a two-by-four... u would probably knock me out with it and put me in ur basement ? just sayin...
  17. Oh it definitely will
  18. Oh.
  19. I hope it does.
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