During the last movie I made everyone think that Snape was Harry's father. Oh how I loved to see their faces go WTF cause I knew they didn't read the books. And my mom was like "Ooooh there's some scandal up in Hogwarts." Then the guy behind me was like "I wish I had scandal in my life." Smh. He said it next to the chick he was with which made it uber awkward for her so I grabbed my popcorn and bolted with mommy dearest.
Oh DaBoop, this forum is already super sweet to me ! All it needs are lumpia and hot sauce. I haven't had lumpia in a long time. Mmm. d ~ ____ ~ b Food!
It's 6:15 AM XD I'm gonna have to tap out. I'll be back in a few hours... ...or will I? Ninjas don't sleep. Their minds do, but their bodies stay sharp 24/7! Bahahaha. But alas I'm no ninja... OR AM I!? Ahahahaha.