Just a thought

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by 420NUB-, Apr 2, 2019.

  1. In all fairness there’s always 2 sides to any story. So when it comes down to me I tell the person why I no longer want them in life, so this persons know how I feel and why I’m doing this. It also helps defuse the rumours of “Oh they’re no longer talking to me be of ....”

    But I’m a very straight forward person I can’t beat around the bush
  2. I am the same way. It is always better to be straight forward then to not say anything at all
  3. Don't waste emotions on people who don't give you a second thought
  4. I’m sorry, that’s not a good feeling. :( My aunt and uncle has blocked me on social media and don’t answer me anywhere because I’m best friends with my cousin who’s at rehab. My cousin decided to not have much contact with her parents while staying there, and they think my cousin and I are talking behind their back. Which we sometimes do because they’re manipulative and guilt tripping people, but we never talk about things that aren’t true. ??‍♀️
  5. Best thing I've heard. I needed this!
  7. Nothing wrong with that. All family and friends talk behind someone's back at one point
  8. There are just some women who only want the attention to be on them.
  9. Dont care for the attention just posting to see who I can relate with