June Spinner Items - Atlantean Fish Paradise

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. Missed by 28 mins. 
  2. Probably super difficult to get just like last months. .-. Tear
  3. oooooooh ?
  4. It'd be great if they could be moved to the front of the showcase instead of hiding by last months spinner items 
  5. Thanks for moving them to front 
  6. love this 
  7. Love the spinner items
  8. Seriously i didnt even do this last month's Spinner Item , and now they have one for this month great  and behind on the maxing gifts . Anything else you wanna throw at me 
  9. Hard to get yet again and you need 5 of each ?
  10. ???fishy fishy?
  11. new items but hard to get

    whenever i use spinner i always get munions or cash ..sometimes chibi but will that always be like that ..unlucky me
  12. Smh, what is this
  13. That's so cool... have to work on collecting them... as soon as possible... 
  14. So cool?
  16. Neptune the clownfish
  18. Wow...saving spins starts at the end every month for cute items like this 