June Pride Avatars and Gifts

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. *their own gender. Forgot 6 was filtered.
  2. ATA please make Pinoy/Filipino Ava designs . Pinoy players will be all glad. Ty. Lovelots 
  3. The cringe rating on the avatars is too damn high. 8/10
  4. Don't understand the negativity around this.. The avatars and gifts aren't hurting anyone in any shape or form. Since it's pride month, ATA wanted to celebrate it in some way or form. If you do not like the avatars, don't buy them, or save your spinner tokens until next month. Don't like the gifts? Don't bother sending, or just simply reject the ones that come your way. It's a great step in this community imo, they're trying to be diverse and have everyone included, instead
  5. -instead of the generic avatars we've gotten before. Despite the "controversy," it seems to me they put a lot of thought into these, even with the little avatar bios and the representations of the gifts. This could've been way worse tbh.
  7. my existence isn't an election ?

  8. This is why nobody likes us ya'll always go 100 when they go -2 and assume that every differing opinion is one calling for gay extermination
  9. Extermination? Since when did anyone say anything of the such but seriously though does any of this pride stuff seriously matter? Does it really deserve a month? Why do we have black history month? I mean seriously why be prideful only one month of the year be prideful year round to me it's like asking for a handout like you deserve to be recognized ? So when is White history month? or Straighf person month? Will we get Avatars that show Such a man and woman's intimacy? Be mad all you want but you know I'm right controversial matters should be evicted out of places where they don't belong
  10. Not worth the wait :roll:
  11. literally every month of the year becky sit down
  12. Ew, that damn Trailblazer give me nightmares.
  13. So far its the easiest avatar to get in the spinner thanks ATA

  14. So wait is it not the same with This?
  15. That is true, but to be more specific where is the dyke?
  16. Some concepts:
    -There are months for a few groups that were known to face extreme discrimination; the month is acknowledging the wrong and for those groups to be celebrated as they did not deserve the treatment they received. People did not face discrimination for simply being white, being cis, or being straight. You can weakly argue that in some cases that happened but even if, it hasn't been on a massive scale. Its just a month of acknowledging the discrimination they faced and to *help prevent future discrimination.
    -I may be wrong but I believe Steve was just pointing out that LGBT members simply being acknowledged/existing should not be a political issue. Political issues including climate change, wars, etc, but members of society shouldn't be considered as a political issue.
    -I kind of get what you mean as you don't want something that's considered controversial being put out by a company, however it's not for you to decide. Yes it can be a damaging move for a company, but businesses lean left and right all the time. Ex: CNN/FOX News. They're both doing fine and have their obvious opinions.
    -It's fine for you to believe it's a bad business move by all means, that's your opinion. I truly believe ata won't notice and less traffic of money coming in at all, and will be just fine.
  17. Steven* fml ?
  18. Honestly there's so many typos in that ?
  19. Really? So when do we honor the Jews who were under mass genocide? Also Hold on White men and women are considered the most racial beings but then you hear these races call their own ethnicities these "discrimatory" words like it's some kind of special title?!? I want you to understand something if we made Holliday for every person, race, religion, national crisis and etc we would have a never ending calendar.

    quit being "Entitled" to recognition. On this note I'll be leaving this thread unless other wise quoted or mentioned