
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DrKevorkian, May 29, 2014.

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  1. And I'll hit him again pickles now,for being a moron
  2. Who you talking about Roy lol
  3. Jetboy, now you're being a moron.
    He was right, you were wrong 
  4. Wait im confused
  5. Whats wrog with this "Julie" to start with?
  6. Wrong*

    My bad for typo/spam
  7. Have you guys ever wiped, walk around, then realize you didn't wipe good enough?
  8. This thread is still going...wow...Julie shouldn't have said all she said though, tbh......lying gets u nowhere, when she returns a lot of ppl are gonna me mad and start stuff :roll: its gonna be like the hunger games up in here....let the games begin
  9. I wanna bet she is reading this thread
  10. May the odds ever be in your favor 
  11. I could've sworn let the games begin was from Saw.
  12. [​IMG]

    Notice how her most recent pic is now deleted
  13. Not if ATA was doing their jobs. She would be banned for account sharing. Js
  14. Go on forums on your PC you can see who is watching
  15. Shrug. Not the first not the last.
  16. I could never win at the hunger games. Id be such a dead weight. I'd literally find a rock and just sleep there and then find a monkey and make it my "bee" that has an itch. 
  17. I feel sorry for her.

    If you are gonna lie make sure you don't get caught up damn
  18. Dont trust these thots like tater tots
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