
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DrKevorkian, May 29, 2014.

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  1. Attention Seeking

    It Only Leads To One Place

  2. Will everyone apologize to devil at night who was farmed on Julie's other threads for calling her out first?
  3. Pickles hmu for that rice date
  4. That's not colon.
  5. Cool*

    Yes, colon. Definitely what I meant.
  6. After all these food dates I'm gunna hve to change my name from pickles to whale. 
  7. I speak whale
  8. What's her Instagram?
  9.  forgot dey did farm him for dat
  10. Pretty sure he didn't forget it ?
  11. I'll be a bad cop any day. Hahah
  12. These Julies are the same - Bunch of thots
  13. I read her cancer thread and tbh i was surprised as how many peeps here believed that crap.
    A psycho a hot one, if the instagram photos r really her.
  14. I cried for hours over this and cost me more than you will ever know now next time ill be smarter I guess but for what I lost is irreplaceable now like storm said few ss might not be proof need but if lying then the ss will come and we all will know many bridges burned I will get back who I lost 
  15.  wat u lost?
  16. The julie that farmed bcs looks nothing like that  and is near lcbc
  17. I won't apologize to him, as he ran his mouth before he had any facts ... He is like an ignorant idiot cop judging ppl without facts

    And she's a MILF.
  19. Why did you actually cry over someone? That's the real concern over ere.
  20. Julie hmu as soon as you return ;)
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