Josilia is Bosen! Bosen is Josilia

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BsLovesSw-4E-, May 7, 2012.

  1. Because I know who bosens main is 
  2. I know them both well and no they not alts of each other lmao 
  3. And it's Josila.
  4. Josila isn't bosen I know for a fact
  5. Seriously I can't believe this thread exists.  Jos is not Bosen, end of story.
  6. Didnt someone say Bosen is like super hot?
  7. I volleyed one of the big terror guys as a noob, is he my alt even though he calls me mummy 
  8. What do you guys consider an "alt" ?

    Cuz my alt is my other ipod... Thats what u guys mean, right? Your alt is your other device?
    Cuz I see many different people call themselves alts. "i have 10 alts" and none of them are their own 10 different idevices... So then... ?

  9. UDID faker. Only the cool kids have them.
  10. Idk what that is 
  11. My alt is my iPad alt 
  12. When you jailbreak an iPod or iPhone, you can use UDID faker on your iDevice, allowing you to have more than one account per device, which is against the Tou
  13. Lmao I am Bosens Alt too!!!! Bahahaha I have known Bosen for long period of time. Josila is not her alt. I know her Alts but will never tell! Bosen 
  14. Bosen was always the best #1 VIP .-. Besides maybe phantasm.
  15. I know them both. Definitely not same person. Thread Fail
  16. Is bosen a girl or guy? 
  17. Bosen is my girlfriend asked her and she will confirmed .I have her pix in skimpy 2 piece bathing suit she's sizzling hot,let me give u some insight description : 5'6 120 lbs fair complextion , long black hair and her beauty to die for and fully loaded in rl money and otherwise shes still young and her hobby taking very very good photos and scuba diving im very luck she shares it with me , JOsila is european
  18. Phantasm is the best number one. Always will be. 

    Phant is awesome