Join Me

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Jun 9, 2019.

  1. Essentially what I was thinking. Even if I donut find the treasure, I'll still have a good time
  2. Yay, true.
  3. Oil and matches. No one can identify a body if there’s no body ? also smash the jaw in. Dentistry gets so many people convicted and thrown into prison.
  4. this is true. i learned so much about how dental records can be used to identify bodies in my anthropology classes
  5. Everyone who has seen a crime TV show knows. Idk why they share that info w the general public
  6. I'll bring my fencing foil. I'll even take off the rubber tip that blocks the pointy part
  7. Trust drug cartel>trust interweb advice
  8. Ill go I need a vacation

  9. me showing up at the airport, ready to leave for colombia
  10. Subtle, I like it.
  11. Fr we all do. Thank you for joining the cause
  12. me: *is tackled by tsa*
  13. I found this treasure map, so imma just leave this here if any of you super geniuses wanted to study it before we set out.

  14. And then we scream homophobia and get them fired. You look flamboyant for pride month, not because of our potentially illegal activities
  16. No ty
    KrazyPsycho likes this.
  17. As long as the cave/mine isnt littered with traps we should be good.
  18. I’ll come, I have scuba gear in case we need to go diving
  19. Yessss I was told a few days ago ppl love hiding money and treasure in the sea.
  20. Fine >:0 abandon us. we didn't need you anyway