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Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RaphaeI2, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Stop being you
  2. who am i
  3. Support.
  4. Who?
  5. This is going to continue regardless so why bother ?
  6. I am hulks alt, bump for awesomeness.
  7. Luhv is the emotion that I'm overflowing with for you??
  8. My pup said you're dangerous {°^°}
  9. ?? only if you want me to be.
  10. As long as you don't hurt thug bird, and unblock me .-.
  11.  I don't have you blocked
  12. Oh Yea my bad I blocked you
  13. go to sleep
  14. I still luhv you anyway Waldo, blocking me won't keep me away??
  15. Sorry no speakry engrish
  16. The language barrier could never hold us apart babe?
  17. What have I stumbled into?