
Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. you are a big fail
  2. Woohoo! All female strength avis! Good work guys ;)
  3. I hope you don't always repeat the items you drop. 
  4. Which one is potd party
  5. Potd party which one
  6. So r any of the items regiftable this time or no? Like last hunt the locket cup etc.
  7. No you cannot regift the items. You can however gift the spigots ?
  8. When u got 50 spigots to open the 50 kegs and hunt just started :|
  9. Can u not add 55% strength avatars to the store?
  10. We should totally do a nightmare before Christmas themed hunt 
  11. Please help me guys and I need a club and please follow me 
  12. When are the gifts from hunt dropping?? :crying:
  14. O-M-G No more editing or deleting comments in forums.
  15. Never. It's all about the money to ATA. They dont care 2 rats ass about us. Just those willing to buy cats to join a b2b cat cafe club. Why u think they put the hunts the way they did? Kaw still has the collect 4 items per eb to combined into 1.
  16. Rated 13yr old game?!?! But ur event now has the words drunken in it?? Hmmmmmm. Whats ur rating exactly implying? That underages should b drinking?!?!? Hahahaha.
  17. They raised it back again hurdle
  18. Lol non stop
  19. 1. Get a bunch of lazy underage rp noobs to DL Pimd
    2. Get them addicted to spinner and watching adverts
    3. Throw the noobs a bone, e.g. Chance at 60% avatars with minuscule number of keys
    4. troll the paying players into opening hundreds of keys getting heaps of 500cs items
    5. Sit back and laugh at above?
  20. its 17+ again