Jimins jams

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -RoD-EdgyJessie, Aug 1, 2019.

  1. If i knew how to make homemade vegan balls i would ☹
  2. The ones from the grocery store are just rly sour and ew. I've heard good things about wild strawberries but never been lucky enough to taste em
  3. That sounds interesting. How grapey do they end up tasting, though?
  4. It’s ok rose I still love you πŸ’•
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  5. I hear ya, I've had some tasty ones but it's very seasonal. And more local farms rather than the mass produced stuff
    Surprisingly not super grapey! But soooo tasty. I'll see if i can get the recipe, it's a good slow cooker one
  6. I live for slow cooker recipes. Tyvm