Here's the thing...again: I want to write. It's going to a kind of boring-ish chapter. But, you see, I'm really lazy and busy... School starts in a week, so I just want to be lazy until my long ass schooldays start. Because the days are so bloody long now because the school sucks, I have less time to update. So, I kinda want to relax until Friday. Busyness has been caused by school shopping. And I'm going to go watch Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (WOOOOO! I am suck a major geek! And I love it!) on Thursday with two friends I haven't seen all summer because I like being inside and in the dark with my Internet. So, I'm sorry, but it'll still be a little while until I update. Probably Saturday or Sunday. God, I am so mean! I'm sorry. Next, A Jeather moment of a sort. Thanks to a suggestion from Jen from the beginning, I am going to use it in this chapter. Also, Chapter Nine will be coming up where I reveal Mr. Coma! I hope you have been thinking about who this boy is. If you haven't, then start thinking. You just might be surprised... Chapter Fifteen will be fun. You don't know, no one does but me, what about. But I can't wait to write it. I have an idea for the last two chapters. There will be another wedding! I might have to cut down on those... And, then, like I said, I'll have to stop writing the Sweet Treats Series for a little while for Eyes of Destiny. That's my schedule for this book. I hope that is enough to sorta hold you over until the weekend. Love you all. Please don't hate me for this! ~Shana Alana
In chapters 13, 16 and 17, I'm hoping. I really hope to have him in more, like 11-14 and 16 and 17. I really love Keith and he is really important to this story. So, I promise, Keith will be in the story more. He had a leave since it was a family dinner and Heather hasn't had a chance to visit Keith. I would like him to pop up in the next chapter to interrupt something, but I don't know if I'll have enough time for it. Be there will be more Keith. He's very important!
Okay, so I might not be able to be on tomorrow. I'm going to visit my relatives in another state and won't have Internet. How fun. Note The sarcasm. Anyway, because of this, I'm updating. Now, this isn't the best chapter in the world. It was going great and then it just died on me. I don't know how it happened, but it did. So, I'm sorry if it sucked horribly. Now, here is the update! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 8 “They say, ‘Just grow up,” but they don’t know us,” I belt with Ash, dancing horribly. “We don’t give a fuー” “Language!” our mothers yell in unison. We laugh and continue to sing the song that explains us as we celebrate. It’s my birthday! Eighteen years! I’m officially an adult! I continue to show off my terrible dance moves with Ash, whose moves aren’t any better. They’re worse, if that is even possible. I spot James talking to my little brother, or at least trying. At our graduation, Jasper finally asked Macy out. I thought she was going to have a heart attack! She still hasn’t replied, and graduation was about a month ago. Now, Jasper is acting as he always does, his face stuffed in a book to keep himself busy. Finally, after the end of our dancing and the three pairs of parents, mine, Macy’s and Ash’s, gathering everyone, it’s time for the cake. Well, more like jellybean heap. You see, people understand my obsession. Or rather addiction. So, my parents decided to make a cake from melted jellybeans rather than actual cake. I love them dearly because they know me perfectly! And, among the gift table, I see many jar shaped presents. I believe I am getting more jellybeans. Perfect. Enough to last me the rest of the next two or three weeks. I sit in my seat and a crowd of people gather around me. I give the a fake smile as they sing the traditional song of “Happy Birthday” and, as I see the two candles that have the two numbers one and eight, signifying I’m eighteen to those who have no idea how old I am no matter how many times I squeal about it. Ash and I send each other a look and we know what we’re thinking. “Here’s to never growing up!” we scream at the top of our lungs after everyone is finished and I close my eyes, thinking, ready to make my wish. What do I want? I go to college in the fall to MSU. I have Ash and Macy and James, and James is going to SMU, which isn’t very far away. Then I have awesome parents and an awesome little brother. What is there to wish for? A clearing of the fog in my rain in the feelings department. That’s what I need. I wish for an answer to who I actually have true feelings for, Ash or James, I think and blow out the candles, hearing clapping and cheering though all I did was blow out two little candles. And next are the presents. After opening many presents, all I get are jellybeans. Um, can someone say “Yum!”? Finally, I reach a last box, a small, square shaped box. I pull of the little wrapping to find a velvet covered box. It’s big enough to hold some jewelry, and that’s the only reasonable thing that can fit in there except two or three jellybeans. I open it to find two words on a necklace chain. “Jelly Girl,” I whisper to myself and I find a folded up note. “Dear Heather, I love you to death and I hope you love this because you’re full of those jellybeans. Love, You Know Who.” Sadly, it’s been typed so I have no idea who came up with it. The two words are in different colors, orange, pink, blue, and six other colors to represent flavors. It’s so…perfect. I only wonder who gave it to me. After a while of eating the cake, which has been sliced into four flavors, orange, cherry, watermelon, and cola ー can I get another yum? ー everyone hangs out, having a blast. Macy is nowhere to be seen, sadly. I continue to play with the necklace, thinking about who this “You Know Who” is. It’s not Voldemort, obviously, because he’s dead. Time to time, as I’m hanging out with Ash, I see James glaring at our best friend in…is he jealous? James isn’t the jealous type. How could he be? I’ve never had any interest in anyone but him like I do with him. With the exception of my mixed feelings with Ash. I don’t want to get into that. “Heather,” I hear after a time of laughing until I cry. I look up, wiping my tears away to see James, the most serious expression on his face. “Heather, we need to talk. Alone, if you don’t mind.” I look over at Ash and he waves to say it’s okay as he can’t speak. I nod too and let James take me away. We walk into the house and he pulls me up the stairs as I finally wipe away the rest of my tears and get rid of the last giggles. “Where are we going?” I finally ask as we go down a hallway that does not lead to my room but to the attic. “The attic so we can speak privately,” he deadpans, earning a bazaar look from myself. Where is the emotion? It’s just…blank. Literally. No emotion in his voice whatsoever. The hell? This is not the James I know. He always has emotion in his voice. And it’s mostly love. Sadly, it sickens me. “Lovely,” I mumble. I follow him and he pulls the attic steps down from the ceiling and gestures for me to go ahead of him. I do as told and climb up the steps, looking into the attic as I do. The attic is the typical attic, old, space taking items that no one uses but doesn’t want to give up. It’s normal. “So,” I start when we are both in the attic, “what do you wish to talk about?” “You and Ash,” he says simply, crossing his arms. “What about us?” I request from him, utterly confused. “You two are spending way too much time with each other. You know he broke up with Sandy, right?” he adds, starting to pace. He broke up with her? I never thought he would. He really liked her. But maybe he saw why I hated her; she was a bloody bitch. “No. But what does that have to do with anything?” I ask, anger starting to simmer beneath the surface. What is the point? Ash and I are nothing… Right? “You should stay away from him. I don’t like you hanging out with him anymore.” “Are you jealous?” I question, completely appalled. Is he seriously telling me who I can and can’t hang out with? Is he really serious? He can’t do that! I’m eighteen! I’m independent! I do what I want! “No,” he retorts in pure anger. Is this going to be the subject this time? Last time it was whether I should give my V-card up to him. But Ash will not be a subject in one of our arguments. Ash isn’t anything except my best friend. If these feelings disappear like I think they will, he has nothing to worry about. “Ash is my best friend! He was the only one who kept in contact with me when I moved! He is important to me! He’s like my brother! And I am not going to have this kind of argument with you!” I feel my hands curl into fists and my face grow hot with anger. How dare he bring Ash into this! “We will talk about this, Heather,” he hisses back to me, sending me a cold glare. I glare right back at him. He thinks he can pressure me into speaking about this. Um, can someone say “Stupid boys”? “You know what, James?” I am two seconds away from breaking up with this boy. How dare he be jealous? There is nothing to be jealous over. We are just friends and nothing more! I could have sworn James got me this necklace but now he’s being a complete dick! I don’t see him giving me or writing anything at sweet. He’s just so… “What?” he screams at me. His face is as read as a beet, his hands curled into fists at his sides. It’s not the first time I’ve seen him like this. Luckily, the only thing he ever hits is a wall or an inanimate object. “Hey guys,” I hear and our heads snap to see Keith sticking his head through the attic opening. “Whatcha yelling about?” I love how he’s acting so oblivious. It makes me feel like he’s willing to be on my side like he always is. Yet, I think he heard me. I think everyone heard us having our argument. “Nothing,” I state coldly, turning to look at James angrily. He crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at me. I throw him a scowl and turn to Keith. “We’re done here, James. Let’s go, Keith. I need to talk to you.” His head disappears after he nods and I turn to James one last time. “What?” he asks. “If you even bring Ash into an argument again, we’re through. And I know you love me. I won’t care if I break your bloody heart. You’ll break mine if you mention Ash’s name in any of our arguments.” With that, I turn and climb down the attic ladder and grab Keith, pulling him to my room on the other side of the house. I don’t pay attention to the fact that Keith’s laughing and making the most obscene comments as I pull him into my room, locking the door. “Look, babe,” he smirks, “if you wanted me, all you could have done was asked.” He laughs and puts his arm around me, kissing the top of my head as I scowl at him. “Kidding, Barbie, what’s up?” I shove his arm off my shoulders and I fall onto my bed. “James is jealous,” I tell him. He gasps, as surprised as I was. “Of Ash, no less.” Keith places his hand over his heart with another gasp and sits next to me on the bed. “Is he serious?” he asks like a teenage girl. “Totally. He even told me to stop hanging out with Ash.” “Not even!” “Yes.” “You know…he does have a right to be jealous. Ash seems to be developing a crush on you.” “What?!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ERMAHGERD! I loved writing about the necklace! Who do you think have it to her, hmm? Honestly, it could be anyone because everyone at her birthday party loves her because she's family. So, it's a mystery! MR. COMA WILL BE INTRODUCED IN THE NEXT CHAPTER! You have no idea how much fun and how excited I am to write it! Anyway, Sea of Monsters! Who has seen it?! If you haven't SKIP THIS PART! I don't want to spoil anything. I loved it to no end. I loved Tyson! He was the most adorable thing! I wanted to hug him the whole time because he was like a teddy bear! I loved how he was actually smarter than in the books. He has knowledge of certain things and I just love that! Clarisse! I loved her too. I loved how she was like, "She's right." And, "I will not repeat that." And seeing her cry when Annabeth died for a minute! I was like, "SHE HAS THE FEELS!" I was crying too. Just like when Tyson too the arrow for Percy. I cried. If you didn't cry when either of those scenes happened, you have no soul. And I watched this with my best friends and one of them read the books so we were totally fangirling through the whole movie! Now, that's pretty much it. I had to tell you who has seen Sea of Monsters what I loved and why. I just had to! I love you all! I hope I didn't bore you with my Percy Jackson movie love. Love ya, Treaters! ~Shana Alana
Update! WOO! I'm just going to update now and tell you my bad news later! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 9 “I’m kidding,” Keith had said. I play that line over and over in my mind, thinking about the freak out I almost had. I lie on my bed, alone. I have to go to the hospital today to visit him. I’m dreading this more than I should. I feel guilty as it is, but I haven’t seen him in forever. I need to visit because this could be the last time. And if he dies, that bastard of a drunk driver is going to jail. But he can’t die. “Heather,” I hear and my head snaps toward my door. It’s Ash. “Heather, it’s time for us to go.” I take a deep breath and stand, smoothing out my clothes. I make my way to the mirror and smooth my blonde wavy locks down. My outfit is simple. A plain black camisole with black capris and black heels. I’m still mourning over the accident and his probable death. I pull my hair back with a black hair tie and I glance over my face at the dark makeup I’m wearing. I look like I’m about to go to a funeral. And I just might in a few months if he doesn’t make a recovery. “I’m coming,” I finally reply with an emotionless voice, looking myself over one more time. I glance at the necklace and a small grin creeps up onto my face. It’s been a week since my birthday and I haven’t stopped wearing this jelly necklace since. I still have no idea who gave it to me, though. “Heather, you’re stalling,” he calls through the door. I sigh, knowing he’s right. He opens the door and walks in, crossing his arms. He gives me a quick once over and grabs the black jacket that has been left on my desk chair, handing it to me. I was wearing this jacket during the accident and now I visit him every time with this jacket. “Sorry,” I say in a small voice. “It’s just hard, you know?” “I do. Because you had no idea what happened after the crash and he could die in the next month or two. I know.” “Alright, let’s go,” I say with a sigh, shrugging on the jacket. It’s simple and plain. Nothing big. Ash puts his arm around my shoulders and I place my arm around his waist as we walk silently. I see my parents as we walk through the living room to the front door. When they look up, one glance and their faces change to sorrowful. They know why I’m dreading this visit. Flashbacks like to pour through my brain. Well, at least the few things I can remember. “It’ll be okay,” Ash whispers to me and pulls me close as we walk to his car. I spot a color of black in garage and a pang of sadness hits me. That’s my car. I haven’t driven it in over a year. That thing was my baby. I was so careful with it. And luckily she wasn’t the car I was driving. “Yeah,” I mumble and I get in his car. He hops into the driver’s seat and drives away. The hospital isn’t very far, but it feels so slow. So heartbreaking, so hurtful just to go see him, tell him that the world is still going on without him. I can hardly handle it as it is, but seeing him, lifeless on the hospital bed, the beeping to let us know that his hear is still beating, the IV needle in his arm, all the machines and tubes, it makes me feel so guilty. And knowing that I ended up behind the wheel hurts me. Why didn’t Ash get behind the wheel? I mean, I know I can be overly bossy when I’m drunk, but Ash can always put some sense into me. Ash was supposed to keep us from doing stupid shit like that. And I don’t even think I learned my lesson because I still drink. The world is such a horrible world. When we finally arrive, I look up at the building. It’s a good five or six stories and the name is in big letters on the sign next to the highway. I look at the cars parked around us. Most are just staff but few are visitors. I hate it here. The dying and sick patients coughing, sleeping, talking to their loved ones just makes me want to cry. I hate to see people who have false hope or have even given up hope here in the hospital. It hurts. “Heather,” Ash calls to me and I snap out of my thoughts, looking over at him to find him opening my door for me. He is giving me a sad look and holds his hand out to me, watching my expression carefully. I stand as I take his hand and he pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him and we stand there for a few minutes, allowing me to relax, even a little. “I don’t want to go,” I whisper in a strained voice. I feel him nod and he kisses the top of my head. “It’ll be so hard.” I can feel the tears threatening to make an appearance. I do not want this to be a tear fest. I can’t cry. I don’t cry. Not now, not ever. “It just might be the last time, you know? It’ll be the last time you know he’s alive. And then his parents will get a call and tell your parents. And when it happens, I’ll be there for you so you can breakdown and cry. I know that you’ll think it’s your fault. But it’s not and it never will be. Okay?” “But, Asher,” I whine. “No, Heather, are you listening to me? It is not and never will be your fault, okay? You aren’t the one going to jail if he dies. That drunk driver is. You will be fine. They thought I was driving, remember?” “No,” I emotionlessly reply. I pull back and look at him with zero expression. It’s hard to have an expression on this type of day. “Okay, so you have no idea what happened that night, but hey, at least you know the story.” “Tell me again when we get into the room.” I take his hand and pull him towards the hospital. Like I’ve said, it’s been a long time since I’ve been here. During the summer after it happened, I visited every day. Once school started, every weekend. But one day, I just…stopped. Maybe it was school, maybe it because I couldn’t handle seeing him, so lifeless. So…not him. And he deserves to have a good life, not this life, attached to some bloody machines to keep him alive. And to think, it was pretty much my fault. When we enter and I see the reception lady, I remember her. The woman is a few inches taller than me, if I remember, and she has black hair and green eyes. I see her turn to us and she gasps. “Heather, Asher, you’re back. I thought…” “I’m back, Helen,” I greet sadly. She rounds the reception and hugs me. She knows and understands what I’ve been through. She's roughly in her forties and her son was killed in a car accident when he was sixteen, around the same time I got into my accident. I don’t believe in coincidences, so I know it happened so we both could heal together. “He’s still where you left him, dear. Hello Ash,” she smiles at Ash and kisses my forehead. I let go of Ash’s hand and I walk towards the stairs. The elevator is too fast for me. I want to remember the memories. When he was a baby, I was about six. I used to take care of him when I was ten as his babysitter. He was only four or five and he was always the happiest child. When he got hurt, he demanded kisses. And I would always oblige. When he grew older, about seven, when I was about twelve or thirteen, he would demand I become a child again. He always knew how to make me laugh and smile. He knew my weaknesses, not just for jellybeans, but my most ticklish spots, my fears, my secrets. He was like another brother. My life’s full of brother figures. That little boy was one, only he acted like he was older. When I cried, he made me smile. He was there for me. And then when James and I finally started dating, he was so thrilled. He constantly told me that we’d finally become brother and sister. That we’d really be related. That it was a big decision, but he knew it would happen. And lo and behold, the accident happened. I remember telling James that we didn’t have to go, that I’d be okay sitting with the best boy in the world. James told me, “No. Everybody’s gonna be there. We have to go or we’ll look like a bunch of freaks. We can take him with us, but we have to go.” And what do you know, I went and we took him with us. And those damn jocks made him drink and I drank and James drank and Ash was there, thank goodness, and helped us. But I had to drive or else the little boy would have driven but Ash wouldn’t step in and drive. I stop and blink to find myself outside his door. I look through the window to see him breathing, his blue eyes closed, his red-brown hair smooth on his head and on the pillow behind him. I watch him silently, and I can feel the occasional glance come my way as I do. Time seems to stop as I watch the heart monitor, watching the red line move with his heartbeat. One day it’ll stop. And when it does, he’ll be gone forever. “Hey?” I hear from Ash, it more like a question than a statement or a greeting. “I’m okay,” I mumble, reaching out to him. I feel him grab my hand and he pushes the door open. We walk in silently and he closes the door. I take the seat closest to him and grab his hand, pulling the seat as close to the bed as I can. “Ryan,” I state. “I’m sorry. And to think, you don’t know what has happened. You can hear us, I hope, but I’m not sure. But, you know…” I sigh and I take Ash’s hand with my free hand. “But you’re a Gateley. You can make it through.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And now you know that is is the third Justiffer child! He was in the accident. He is the boy she's talking about. And this is what happened to him. Ryan Gateley. What happened? You'll find out in the next chapter! Now, bad news, SCHOOL! NOO! Yeah, school starts tomorrow and I'll go back to my old Internet schedule. Which means I'll only be writing three times a week. Not including weekends. So, I'll still be writing, but also, I'm a freshman! I know, I'm young, right?! But really, my English teacher is supposed to be a real hard ass. So many essays are coming my way because the class does nothing creative! It'll be torture! But, I'll still have this to come to for a while. So, school will start and I thought I'd give you this update now instead of Wednesday. I'm going to have an updating schedule, which will be either Monday, Sunday, or Saturday when I update. Most likely Sunday or Saturday so I'll take Monday as a lazy day since we only have four days a week. So, I love you all! I'm sorry about this because if I could, I wouldn't go to school. I'd be homeschooled. But, you know, I have this story and I'll be off for at least two months and Bubblegum and Broken Hearts will pop up featuring Jenette (the character). Love you all dearly, Treaters! ~Shana Alana
Boom, I have an update! I was procrastinating all week. I was like, "I wanna update...but I'm lazy!" Then bad news struck and I needed to just stop everything and cry. Then I finally got my lazy butt to sit on my bed and grab my laptop and write. Now, this is the update. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 10 I watch Ryan’s chest rise and fall slowly with his breathing. I want him to wake up and spot me and Ash. I want him to literally freak out when he sees me, asking, “Heat, what are you doing watching me sleep? And why is Ash is? Where’s James?” Heat was my only nickname from him and I really miss it. I want him to freak out and ask about James and wonder what the hell is going on. I want him to realize his hair is longer and that he is twelve now. I want him to just wake up and not die on me. “Ash, tell us the story again. If you didn’t hear it before, here it is. I’m sorry.” Ash grips my hand a bit tighter and I give him a quick glance. He is so ridged about this. He was the only one who was the least harmed out of the three of us. He got Ryan and I out of the car before the police came and they ended up thinking he was the driver since the car hit the passenger side. That was pure luck because then I would’ve ended up with a couple charges against me too. Thank God I have Ash. “Well, it was about a year ago and Sandy dragged me to the party even though I didn't want to. You came with James, Ryan traveling with you because you were asked to babysit him. And James being the most popular boy in school, unofficially, of course, he felt like his big rep would be tarnished if he didn’t go. He just has a big ego, to be honest, and this stays between us.” As he continues with a few minor details about the party, I realize he’s right. James has the biggest ego and thinks I’ll do whatever he asks when he asks it. He’s actually a bit of a jerk sometimes. Not always, sometimes he’s really sweet. “Heather,” Ash calls to me, giving my hand a quick squeeze. I realize he came to an important part and I give his a sheepish smile. I know that he’ll be okay with it because I’ve heard the story so many times and that my mind likes to drift to try to remember what he’s describing. I guess it’s amnesia for that part. Jenny got it when she hit the original Ryan, the Ryan my mom dated before my dad and the Ryan this boy in a coma is named after. Looks like Ryan is an unlucky name, huh? “I’m sorry, what was that last part?” I ask, my eyes not leaving my hand intertwined with Ryan’s. His hand is actually smaller than mine, but only a little. He’s only supposed to be in eighth grade, I believe. He’s pretty tall for his age, but he still needs to grow a bit more because he’s not the tallest in the eighth grade. I really want him to be so I can easily pick him out of the large crowd of middle schoolers. “I said James immediately went for the tequila and the vodka while you stayed with Ryan for a little while. But then you trusted him with a couple of your friends and left to have fun yourself. I was watching the whole time; you know how protective I am of you. Well, I also kept an eye on Ryan. The friends you left him with talked to him and soon gave him a cup of beer. After that, more and more cups of alcohol of all kinds were poured down his throat. Pure peer pressure.” “And that’s where this mess really starts.” “Right. Around three, you were ready to go home, saying that Ryan was up way past his bedtime. First, he asked for the keys, thinking he could drive. Poor kid was so drunk he could hardly think straight. Then you told him no, that you were the older one there and that you had a license. So, you took my keys, get in the car and drove. I wanted to stop you, but you constantly yelled at me to shut up, that I was being way too loud. But then, it happened.” “That car, right?” I ask, my voice cracking with the last word. Tears slowly start to drop from my eyes and down my cheeks. “Yeah,” he chokes out. He coughs before continuing, obviously about to cry. “The car hit ours. I was the only one safe because I was the only one with a seatbelt on. You two were belting out to ‘I Like it Like That’ completely bouncing in your seats. The car sped past a stop sign and crashed into us. I got out and pulled you out. I called 911 and tried to get Ryan out, but the car crushed the door to the point that it wouldn’t open and I couldn’t pull him through the driver’s side without ripping his legs off. Both of you, um,” he pauses to wipes his eyes with a sniffle, “you both lost a very scary amount of blood. I thought you were going to die, Heather. I wouldn’t have lived with myself if I lost you.” “Ash,” I sob, releasing Ryan and Ash’s hands to throw my arms around him. I cry hard on his shoulder and he slightly sobs on mine. He’s trying to be tough for me, but, really, I don’t care because I’ve seen him cry so many other times, it’s not even funny. When we finally compose ourselves, I pull back. Ash brings his hands to my face and cups it, using his thumbs to wipe away the remaining tears for me. I reach over to him and wipe away the two or three tears on his face. When I finally look back up to his eyes, I bite my lip, thinking slightly. Ash’s hands move to my waist and my arms wrap around his neck. We’re about to kiss. I’ve wanted this since my last breakdown. I swallow once and I lean towards him, slowly closing my eyes. I and feel Ash pull me closer and it’s like everything is in slow motion. As we move slowly, I can hear the heart monitor beep. I can hear Ash’s breathing hitch. I can feel my heart race. And have I forgotten to mention that even now, after a month or so, every touch still gives me chills like you wouldn’t imagine; electric flows through my body from where his hands are. I feel like, well, like I’m on top of the world. A knock startles us to jump back into our seats like nothing happened. I turn away from Ash, my cheeks turning a bright crimson, no doubt. We almost kissed. Again. “Heather, Ash, dears, I’m sorry, but visiting hours are over. Do you guys want me to give you a new schedule?” Helen asks up, popping into the room. I don’t know if Ash nods, but I know I stay silent. We almost kissed. That plays over and over in my mind. Like, really, where the hell did that come from? Why do I want to kiss him so damn much? I mean, really? I’m dating James. I can’t just kiss Ash. “Thanks, Helen,” I tell her and stand when I know my blush has gone down. I mean, Helen knows I’m with James, or at least she knows I was last time I came. I stand and hug her, and she hugs me back. “Ash, could you give us a minute?” Helen asks him as she pulls back from me. I hear him stand and shuffle out of the room, not sparing me a second glance. I can so understand why. I mean, that was so embarrassing to be caught almost kissing while I’m dating James. “Whatcha need to talk to me about, Helen?” I ask her as she shuts the door. “Are you and Ash together yet?” she asks, a smile spreading across her slowly aging face. My face grows hot again and she gives a girly squeal. “You are, aren’t you?” “No, no,” I stutter with a squeak. “Ash and I are still friends. I’m still with James.” “Aw, honey, are you sure?” she questions. “I think you two are a great pair. You and James are okay too, but you never say that you love him.” “That’s just it. I’m not sure, Helen. James is just like a lost puppy, he constantly clings to me like he is my bodyguard. He got jealous because of Ash. He tries to force me into stuff. He has such a big ego sometimes. And it’s just so hard to know.” “Honey, do what your heart says. It’s that simple. I did that twenty years ago and I’m happily married and we have a daughter.” “You have a daughter? Since when?” “Since a couple months ago. I’m glad I have her. But that’s not the point. The point is you just need to listen to what your heart says, not your brain or what James or your family says. Your heart is always right. Now, go ahead and go. Don’t want to leave Ash waiting.” She grabs a tissue before letting me leave, wiping away the makeup on my cheeks. I kiss her cheek before leaving and I walk out of the hospital. Ash is standing by the car and I take my time to make it towards him. Ash is pretty handsome. I’ve said this before, maybe, but he really is. He doesn’t have the best features, sure. He has freckles, which I would normally deem unattractive. He’s very lanky and not exactly muscular. He’s not perfect. I mean, he protects me like a brother and can be a bit overprotective. But, all of these qualities are what make Ash him. “You ready to head out?” he asks when I finally get to him. I nod and hop into the car, thinking about Helen’s words. I’m not sure, but I think I need a little help with this. I need to call Keith. Ash drops me off at my house and I walk in alone. My parents aren’t home, and I think Jasper is in his room feeling sorry for himself because Macy still won’t answer Jasper. I walk to him room and barge in without knocking. “Meeting, in the den, now. I’m calling Keith.” “Is this serious?” he asks me bluntly. I nod and he sighs, placing his book down and standing. I walk to my room and grab my phone, dialing Keith’s number. “Heather, I’m in the middle of something,” he greets. I roll my eyes ー I think that’s eight ー and sigh with irritation. “You have to get here now. It’s an emergency.” “Why?” “Get here now.” With that, I hang up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So, what is this meeting about? And I just ruin your dreams for Ashther every time, don't I? Ah, I'm a dream crusher! ALSO! Check out my new story Confessions of "Normal". It's not a romance, fair warning. So, there isn't much to talk about. Just that. And, if you have started school like I have, I hope the first few days haven't exhausted you like they have me. Love you, lovies! ~Shana Alana