Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ---IllIV-Master_Yoda-VlIlI---, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. Lots of reasons kayla
  2. Its called a joke.....
  3. Well if u hate someone technically you are engaging in hating...therefore u become a "hater". I simply wanted to know why. Not saying u have to like him because I do.

    I find a lot of people don't like someone usually for a stupid reason...or for no reason at all.

    I'm not assuming that is the case just feel less "biased" if I have a complete story.
  4. Ohh well I'm not suppose to say bad words on forums don't wanna get silenced
  5. I don't recall u asking if anyone " hated" him I thought it said who doesn't "like" him....although I could be wrong
  6. I hate him so I'm a "hater" right?
  7. Im the orignial post it says "love or hate him?"
  8. Yep. Exactly. That was my initial question 

    Yes chris you are 
  9. Oh like I said I could be wrong  well my reply I don't LIKE him, I don't " hate " anyone in rl, let alone a game....

    Hate is really a very strong emotion like love or even sorrow...
  10. He shouldn't have been banned :/
  11. He's ONLY banned from from forums what a bummer
  12. Poop is a D bag with a beaner wiener
  13. People like to ride my bmw walker big mexican wiener
  14. Ok Kayla... l'll make it bigger... [size] POOP DOESNT LIKE ME HAHA[/size]
  15.  it didn't work
  17. Walker what the 

    Beast  why not 