Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ---IllIV-Master_Yoda-VlIlI---, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. Poop gave his last kidney to me. He now has a catheter to help him pee. When I was in the hospital he brest feed my youngest child. Thank you poop
  2. Some kids piss their name in snow.. Poop can piss his name into concrete.
  3. And chuck Norris have a lot in common seems like 

    (stupid and sign cuts off my message every damn time )
  4. Anyone who is posting that they don't know him should come join his club to meet him! 
  5. Every night before he goes to bed, the Boogie Man looks under his bed for 
  6. Poop is chuck Norris didn't he tell you already 
  7. Poop's tears can cure cancer. It's too bad he has never cried.
  8. Poop's are really cat pee
  9. I had a flat tire once and poop changed it for me. Of course he drove off in the car and brought back the wrong one. But the point is he helped change my tire.
  10. After  all night,  does not throw up. He throws down.  Free 
  12. He need to block me and all tablua rasa too TTT
  13. Poop volunteers to read to underprivileged kids every Tuesday. One Tuesday, one of the children choked on his eraser and could not breathe. After CPR was ineffective, Poop performed a tracheostomy with a ball point pen. The child survived. This is a true story as it was on the local news. What the news left out was that Poop did this while solving a Rubic's Cube and farming some wannabe on PIMD.