iTunes. 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *CheekyChloe (01), Oct 15, 2011.

  1. I think its banned in singapore

    Or asia

    its troublesome to download from websites
  2. :0

    ... ... WHY- I- RACIST- SCUM.

    One, did you just go into iTunes and-


  3. ._. Fucking iTunes is pissing me off.
  4. i iwnz an ipodz touch :3
  5. *ownz

    btw im poor and stupid so i cant afford music 
  6. [​IMG]


     You should have a music box :3
  8.  Well er what type of device do you have? 

    You should go to the Apple Store then.
  9. Ipod touch

    where is my music box???!!!
  10. I have an iPod too! :3 You try looking again 
  11. AHHH!!!! -facedesk-
  12. xD *kneeslapper*
  13. >:3 I'm upgrading to the iOS 5 today
  14. Chloe is yours jail broke?
  15. Before it was jailbroke the same thing happened. =_=
  16. Oh....well if it was jailbroken it might be that but have you tries reseting? In in general settings
  17. Mines not jailbroken and the same thing is happening
  18. ...What happens if I reset...?
  19. Theres different options like reset all media or reset all network connections and all it does is get rid of your wifi and changes iTunes and AppStore to default