Its time

Discussion in 'Clubs' started by TheCatLady, May 23, 2019.

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  1. You never hurt my feelings lmao. Your assumptions are amusing
  2. Are they assumptions or is it a coincidence you've been disappearing when I tell you off? I find it amusing how you still have to urge to keep embarrassing yourself.
  3. LOL keep dreaming
  4. She got that one from me ^
  5. Nah
  6. I still have your desk and I won't sell it.

    I hope... Well, it will be different without you and I know I'll think about you. Best of luck.

    (Btws this is Persephone/Pumpkin.)
  7. You guys keep the drama going :(
  8. Are you that delusional that you refuse to accept reality?

    Be original, quit taking everyone's phrases and applying them to your personal situations :lol:
  9. Teeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  10. Oh welp off topic :( Op, I hope you still do your war, locking now
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