It's Time For Me To Go

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Karina-The-One-And-Only, Oct 29, 2011.

  1. Of aziz, confused of the names, sorry
  2. Who bullies you? 

    I'll kill 'em.

  3. Pfft.
    Why are you leaving?
    You shouldn't quit just because something is hard.
    Are you not against bullying?
    Then stand up for yourself and others.
    Bully is another word for "I got dropped as a baby, twice."
    So yeah...
    And goodbye threads are overrated.
    When I leave it'll be silent... like when someone farts and everyone just looks around like "WTF, don't look at me."
    If you quit now you'll have done exactly what they wanted.
    Don't take shit from anyone.
    d = __ = b;;
  4. Don't leave aziza you make everyone feel that much less stupid and trashy - if only by comparison.

  5. Dawwg you are luckily threats are against the ToU.
  6. *Pats Chloe on the head* thats nice dear now go play in the sandbox with the other kids
  7. ( T_T)\(^-^ )

    That's nice Dawwg, now go lick your ass with the other pansies. ^_^
  8. Ohh go Chloe  a-dawwg stop patting everyone on their heads I've got a head tumour from that  just made that up btw 
  9. Hey nat333! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
  10. I don't just get bullied here though I get bullied in real life
  11. Aziza, Imma call my dad to get me a ticket to America and slap them hoes. =_=

    They bully you, they meet my two fists. I've always wanted to show my skills in karate. :0
  12. I'm serious. õ_ô

    Obviously those batches of cookies don't know the meaning of PAIN.

    I'd be glad to show them how much it hurts. Physically and mentally. 
  13. Can I help?

    I have a crowbar...

    And Boo, the ghost. 
  14. Still serious. .-.