It's Time For Me To Go

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Karina-The-One-And-Only, Oct 29, 2011.

  1. MOO!!!!!! <333
  2. Nah. I wish I was JordanMooCow though.
  3. Lemme guess

    You're JordanMooCow reset? XD
  4. No, but you're close
  5. Btw: It's nothing to do with Moo. ;)
  6. Show me where those bullies are and i'll..... I'll..... I'll tell them there not very nice.

    Don't leave (crying face here if my damn enoji would work). Please don't go.
  8. I hate my life!
  9. I have to leave because if I stay people will just bully me more and be mad at me for making this thread and not going through with it!  Plus even If I ignore them I'll still get bullied ! I suffer enough from school! I came to PIMD to actually have some people not bully me ! But I thought wrong !
  10. I've never bullied you. :(
  11. Then just ignore them and stay with me. :|
  12. I don't know right now 
  13. Don't cry! 