It's Ravyn. Not Pham

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Wife, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. Add tht to my list cuz itdoes
  2. Thanks hunter, I do love to draw  I like to run, ms fox but you can't go out alone in my neighborhood and no one else in my family likes to run 
  3. Except my father, whom I hate.
  4. Hurm I see your issues. I suggest hiring chuck Norris to roundkick them
  5. If u ever need n e one to talk to u can ask me I'm also 13 and going thru the same kind of stuff
  6. Thanks hunter  How considerate
  7. I doubt its the 'same kind of stuff', though, but thanks.
  8. Phammie I cannot garuntee great advice but I'll at least help make you feel better and make you laugh
  9. How much u wanna bet ive been thru so much **** that's just like urs for the past like month not bipolar but close to it and worse in some ways......
  10. Hunter she wa refferring to.... Nvm
  11. What did she means fox??
  12. Hunter she means the girl stuff part. And I went through/ am goof through alot
  13. I'd be willing to bet a lot hunter, since everything and anything you know about me is from this thread, which isn't much.
  14. Girl stuff part????
  15. Hush phammie I was defending you
  16. Yes, ms fox
  17. I am looking for a new wive/ husband
  18. Ooh, you'z a playa. 
  19. Wats the um girl stuff part I thought this was about bipolar
  20. No I'm into pologmy.

    Haha i know hunter I was joking around.