It's ok baby

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Cherry1313, May 31, 2012.

  1. *All I thought was
  2. Awwww hes soo calm...update
  3. Love this! Update
  4. With all his fame and power he really is very insecure. It seems like he is scared of losing her. Afraid of his life without her. Not realising that with a bit of compassion and a bit less violence she would stay with him till the end of time
  5. Bump, i love this
  6. Bonez do you live in my mind or something coz that's exactly it
  7. Blaze's POV

    I remember the day I met Faun, she looked beautiful…


    I stumbled through the crowd, trying to get as close to the stage as I could. The festival is going to be great, I can hear the young artist her soft sweet voice wafting through the air. When I finally pushed my way to the front, I saw her this beautiful girl with emerald green eyes with hints of orange in them. Her waist length wavy hair lightly brushed the acoustic guitar she was playing. I wanted her right then. When the song finished she smiled at the audience, standing up with her guitar in her left hand, Faun Kay Scott strode off the stage. I scrambled back stage showing my security badge, I made my way over to her. "You know," she said to me "I have tons of fans, I just never expected a big tough security guard to be one of them" she turned round and smiled at me, a sweet crooked smile, almost a smirk.


    That's how I met my wife. That's how I entered her life. That's how I ruined it too.
  8. I just wanted to show that Blaze can't control his actions and that he really does love his wife
  9. Not that that makes it right obviously
  10. That took me a quarter of an hour
  11. Ooo how sweet an how did he ruin it?? Update
  12. Umm coz he beats her duh