Once I awoke, I was faced with the stinging pain of my bruises. Blaze clung on to me as I breathed in through clenched teeth. After a while Blaze woke up, he snuggled in to my neck. His big loving eyes looked up to me, with fake innocence. "I'm sorry" he whispered repeatedly. He trailed his mouth over every inch of my broken body. He had made me feel like this. Feel so…so ugly. The rest of the day we lazed around, I wore nothing but one of Blaze's shirts. When I was curled up on the sofa reading he stormed in to the pool. "What the fuck's wrong with you?"he bellowed. The look on my face told him I had no idea what he was talking about. He slammed his iPod hard on the coffee table. I stared at his hand, shocked. The veins in his arms were bulging. "Its out of fucking charge you forgetful bitch!"he screamed. "I'm sorry I didn't know." I stared down at my lap. "Sorry isn't good enough!"he shouted at me. "it's all my fault in useless" I whispered. "Yes…yes you fricking are!" he screamed again. He slapped me hard across the face, a stinging pain shot through my cheek. I gasped in pain. It was sad. I had seen this coming. For the rest of the night I cried waiting for Blaze. When he did come it was an exact repeat of last night. Again.
I said it was hard to understand I said to go into it with an open mind some of the things Faun does need to be seen that way!
My wife just read this and she was horrified. It just brought back too many memories for her she was in an abusive relationship from the time she was 16 till she 32 and she left to protect her new born son. She understood the fear that blaze is causing the fear of what he would do if she left him is one of the big reasons she stays. Also the fear of not having anywhere else to go and what people will say about her. Great story cherry loving it
"We're shooting the love scenes in Greece today and I want you to come with me." He asked it as if it was a question but I knew he meant it as a demand. "Blaze I've got to work, I'm recording today. What about I catch the plane straight over once my recording's finished?" I love my music, I'm quite big really in my industry but nowhere near as well known as Blaze. "Fine then! You never ever come to my shoots! Why is your bloody music more important?" he shouted. "It's not Blaze I love you. But my work has a deadline a time when things need to be done. I have every other peace of my life with you." I didn't look at him, his eyes were a stone cold black, he really knows how to scare the hell out of me. When I finally had the courage I lifted my hand up to his shoulder, sometimes this is the only way to save myself from harm. He batted my hand away, but I persevered. I stood up and hugged him holding him close, let him listen to my heart beat. I kissed him softly and he was calm again, he clutched onto me, as if his sanity would leave him if I wasn't there. I ran my hands through his hair and held him as close as I could. "Ok" he whispered. A tear trickled down his cheek. All I though was why are you the one bloody crying?