It's been nearly ten hours

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. Did you plan your writing to the extent that professional authors plan their writing?
  2. Yes. I plan very heavily, I just get very restless
  3. Mix it up a little. What I've found when writing is that if I'm too focused on the plot or thinking about some other scene while writing this one I'll not write much. I once took a day off studies to finish one of my stories, thinking I'll finish the last 5 chapters today and completed absolutely nothing.

    The whole day, I was simply staring at my screen, thinking I have to finish this, then I have to start this scene on the next chapter. Stuff like that.

    What helped was taking a break. Not from writing (even though sometimes it does help) but from my story.

    I ended up writing a one shot for my otp. And after that when I started on my story again, I wrote 10k words. The chapters weren't complete, but I had accomplished more than I would have stuck to that one story.

    Also, editing your previous chapters is a good way to refresh the plot in your mind and you might get a better sense of where you want to take the story next.
  5. I've written that amount in an hour before. I've also written that amount over the course of a month. If it flows, it'll flow. If not, let it go.