It is time for sum modz

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Jun 29, 2024.

  1. Ah, I was cleaning my basement

    Dusting it


    Cause momma get mad if I don't keep it clean

    Her house her rules amiright

    As I stood there I realized how much I played pimd

    Like bro I am here 24/7 (Living in yo momma basement does that bruh)

    I be playing like





    Sometimes I be chillin and I see gettin farmed

    And methinks how can we solve this



    A light bulb explodes over my head

    Pieces shatter everywhere

    But from these pieces

    Came an idea, a reflection

    Staring into the broken pieces

    I thought


    Let's say one day you're partying

    You decide to crash in a club

    You wake up with 100t missing

    Cause some dude decided to go John Wick on yo ass , farming you and stealing yo pimd wife

    Now you here chillin with elmo singing the abc's wondering wtf happened

    How did your LIFE lead to this?

    You're in pimd financial ruin

    Your hard work evaporated faster than yo dignity during a drunken one night stand

    So you do what any person would do

    You went after this "John wick" fella

    You strike back and farm back with the strength of your entire family line

    But you FÚCKED up

    This is bad. He strong. He got the misc. The pets. The tuts. The stats.

    Now this blasting at you

    10 doctor notes per minute




    farming at you

    You smirk to yourself he'll give up

    The thing is he doesn't

    Days turns to weeks, weeks to month.

    A month to a year.

    And a decade later he is still hitting you

    Like jeez bruh did I stick yo cat up a tree and leave it there

    Why so mad

    But because of John you can't grow

    If only there was someone that could help

    Yes, I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night
    He's gotta be strong
    And he's gotta be fast
    And he's gotta be fresh from the fight

    The thing is no hero ever comes



    on a farmer that is being unjust

    No longer will you worry about injustice

    As their battle button could be disabled "muted"


    For 24 hrs

    7 days

    1 month

    6 month

    And if they really evil

    1 yr

    Who is wit me?


    Kefo and -Quartz- like this.
  2. You lost any hope of my support for any thread you post EVER with this thread. Go play a non pvp game since you are so ridiculously bothered by pvp. Don’t come to ours and try to change it.
    Muschi, -IN-ToEatingPie- and Day like this.
  3. Lol this made me laugh

    Cause one wot

    Why you coming in here acting like yo support on any of my threads even matter? That is as insignificant to me as an ant to human

    And I'm definitely not the ant there

    Second, the future is now old man

    The game was somethingggg else 10 yrs ago

    And in 5 yrs it'll be something else

    Lol you enjoy your pvp while you got the chance

    But part of life and games is change

    You gon have to deal with that good sir
  4. Because you have decision making power here?
  5. Ponder that xD and ask yourself that
  6. Fr think about it yall

    Peanut butter

    Dis the next best thing

    Since da creation of peanut butter baby
  7. Ngl I love the way you structured that first post, but no support from me to the cause.

    PvP needs more attention, especially from ATA. The hit brackets are part of why it feels so unjust, which is why it can feel so unfair. I'm 171mcs and able to hit 30mcs accounts, that's whack.

    Once hit brackets have been revisited we need more pvp events that every stat range can participate in, either by hunt events or xc events.
  8. They’re still hitting you because your PIMD wife still loves you 💅
    CrimeFightinCactus and Kefo like this.
  9. This I can agree with. PVP isn't bad but it's unfair. No way my friend who is 150ish MCS should be able to knocking the Mario coins out of me 🤣. Everything should be revamped,including rules.
  10. I lol
  11. I am reading this post as sarcasm.
    Otherwise no support.
    CrimeFightinCactus and Day like this.
  12. soooo.... a peace tag
  13. The 10 dn part had me dying
    CrimeFightinCactus likes this.
  14. This was honestly an entertaining read. 10/10, very comical.
    Croatia and Victoria like this.
  15. It has happened many times, thankfully I'm pretty much unstoppable
  16. I'll take that as a support thanks bruh
  17. Na this is a better. Peace tag are sus af dw tho ill make a thread exposing them wen I'm not lazy
  18. Nothing from this post is sarcastic, this is how I always talk especially when I do public speaking - gets the people going baby
  19. There's always someone more strong than you and a bigga and bigga credit cardo
  20. I can respect yo feedback even if you no support it